Thursday, December 1, 2011

Helping others instead of ourselves

Former President Bush is helping others have the opportunity to be educated on both cervical and breast cancer in another country. Why not ours?

In a column in the Texas tribune, President Bush plans to visit Africa this week to promote awareness about two cancers’ that here in Texas, screenings and treatment have been taken away from females because of budget cuts. Texas, currently, is having a hard time providing this care to low-income women. Bush believes we should help with all types of disease because it will help saves lives.

Governor Perry believes otherwise. Recently, Perry boasted about cutting two thirds of our state’s family planning budget for the next two years. This will make low-income women do one thing, nothing. Without money to pay for these services there is really no place to go to get them for free, and to me I would rather spend my last bit of money on diapers for my child then get screened. Women have this inner mechanism which cares for others and puts them first, and then we worry about ourselves later. It also goes onto say how Perry believes that Texas has the potential to do great things and find lifesaving cures. How many people will that actually help if you take their help away? It’s like saying we want Texas to find a cure, you just can’t use it. It’s also closely related to a joke that goes around saying we want all illegal immigrants gone, but first we need them to build the wall to keep them out. Not Nice.

Let’s not put all the blame on our poor Governor Rick Perry, after all, it’s Bush’s decision to go elsewhere and help others when “his people” are the ones who need it most.

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