Friday, December 9, 2011

Money does not grow on trees

Many students are worried about paying for school. Whether you have access to grants or have money in the bank, it won’t always be there and with tuition on the rise, many students are stressed to find other ways to pay for school.

Tuition is on the rise, I agree with this, but why? Are they teaching new, more difficult tasks? Are the teachers we are hiring scholars, and expect more? While we don’t know why tuition increases, we all have our ideas. I think it’s to pay for their raises! J

In the reading for class it looks like our teachers don’t have all the schooling they need to be able to teach well. While I think anyone can be trained to teach, I feel like maybe we should be putting money back into the teacher’s pockets to have “continued education”. A refresher course as you will, maybe even a class to that teaches different ways to reach out to different children. After all, we all don’t learn the same.

Paying for school is hard, and the stress to pay it back gets worse the longer we are in school. Maybe we shouldn’t teach our children that everything is given to them, you have to earn it. Everyone does not receive scholarships or grants. I’ve learned to be thankful for what I do have and to work hard for what I want. All students must know when going that some debt will be acquired and paying it off should not be a burden but a known responsibility.

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