Thursday, November 10, 2011

unrecognized hero's

I would have to agree with my colleague about our “hero’s”. They all need to be recognized. Children today need to know about America’s past, the good and the bad. They need to see that there were people who would fight for our freedom every day, then and now. Our men and women of this great country willingly chose to serve in the armed forces, fought for something they believed in, and died fighting for our freedom; they should be remembered and have great recognition.
I seem to notice that if you were to walk with a Vietnam vet and he/she walked passed another vet you would see them smile and simply nod in acceptance. Most of the time no words are spoken yet you see a conversation being said, you see heartache, and appreciation. A monument would mean so much to the men and women who live today and can still recall those days in East Asia. These veterans were to keep their mouth shut and not say a word, but just be happy to be back home. This is a step to closure, although I don’t think one can ever forget what happened over there.

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