Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Rick Perry wants for women

A Blog by Mean Rachel refers to Perry as someone who is contradicting to what he believes in and what he wants. What would women be subjected to if Rick Perry were to be President? On the one hand, he wants women to be vaccinated from cervical cancer which indicates that females will be sexually active at a young age. These girls are not fully mature enough to know what this shot is actually for and why it is being given to them so early on in their child bearing years. On the other hand he wants us to pursue abstinence and wait to have sex until we get married, like he and his wife did. A possible punishment if we don’t wait might be that if we do encounter sex and become pregnant and aren’t able to keep the child, for whatever reason, we must go through a series of steps to be able to give up the baby. Aren’t we sending young teens the wrong message; “Don’t have sex until you are married, but if you do we already took measures to keep you from getting an STD”?  Rick Perry bases his decision making on personal experience rather than studies and surveys. Anyone knows that what’s best for one person doesn’t always work for the next.
Texas has the third highest teen pregnancy in this country. Does this mean we need to have the government step in and stop or prevent the rise in births all together? We also must learn how we are going to care for these children medically, since we are ranked first in the number for children without healthcare insurance. Rick Perry has little to say about how we are to care medically for his people, old and young. So far, he’s not my choice for a better country or women of this country.